Initially introduced as a time-limited deal, SAP have since repeatedly extended the program and, with the 31st December 2022 cut-off fast approaching, SAP have once again said they will be extending the program – this time indefinitely.
This means there is currently no end date for the program and its competitive discounts, which is great news for SAP customers.
If you’re an SAP customer with questions about Indirect Use, SAP Digital Access or the DAAP please feel free to get in touch. Our independent SAP software licensing experts will be happy to help you and, if necessary, can support in identifying the right Indirect Use licensing model for your organization. You can also follow these links for more information about our SAP Digital Access services and Indirect Access, SAP Digital Access and the DAAP.
Please note that SAP may stop the Digital Access Adoption Program at any time and there is no guarantee that it will remain forever.