Latest news 4 years ago

SAP Insight: Achieving best value from your S/4HANA license migration

This is a significant change for any business, and stakeholders will want to know the financial implications – how much will an S/4HANA license migration cost?

Learn more about the commercial licensing aspects of an S/4HANA migration from our SAP licensing expert Becki Riall

If your organization sees a long-term future with SAP, a migration to S/4HANA is likely to be inevitable.

This is a significant change for any business, and stakeholders will want to know the financial implications – how much will an S/4HANA license migration cost?

Drawing on our SAP licensing experience, ITAA can offer unique insight on the commercial licensing aspects of an S/4HANA migration. This on-demand webinar is a great opportunity to learn more about how to achieve the best value from your S/4HANA license migration.

During the webinar we:

  • Recap the migration options and rulesets
  • Explore your financial opportunities and highlight potential risks
  • Illustrate our recommended approach to achieving the best value

SAP licensing is notoriously complex. From an S/4HANA licensing perspective, achieving the greatest outcome for your organization is a complicated process with many variables. You need to be confident that the final proposal from SAP represents the best value for your organization.

Watch the webinar on-demand here:

s/4hana migration webinar link

If you are interested in finding out more about the licensing aspects of an S/4HANA migration we have published related articles, including S/4HANA – what, why, when and how and how our S/4HANA license migration evaluation saved over $3m.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding S/4HANA licensing please feel free to contact us.

About the speaker

Becki Riall, SAP Licensing Consultant at ITAA

Becki is responsible for delivering SAP licensing projects to large customers across a multitude of industries. Becki specializes in advising customers on new SAP license models and technical configurations that impact SAP licensing requirements. Becki also specializes in risk identification and optimization.

Becki has experience at a large SAM Managed Service provider, working primarily as an SAP specialist responsible for Managed Services, as well as ad-hoc reviews for existing customers and one-off engagements.

To find out more about ITAA’s SAP licensing services please click here.

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